Gene­ral terms and conditions

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  • Gene­ral terms and conditions

1. scope 

The­se Gene­ral Terms and Con­di­ti­ons (GTC) app­ly to all offers, sales and deli­veries of K‑Tech GmbH (we / us) to our cus­to­mers (buy­ers). The GTC app­ly exclu­si­ve­ly. Devia­ting terms and con­di­ti­ons of the buy­er are only valid if they are con­firm­ed by us in wri­ting. The terms and con­di­ti­ons of the buy­er do not bind us, even if we do not express­ly con­tra­dict them. 

Until other­wi­se agreed in wri­ting bet­ween us and the Buy­er, the­se GTC shall app­ly to all pre­sent and future busi­ness tran­sac­tions with us, even if no express refe­rence is made to the­se GTC in an indi­vi­du­al order. 

2. offers 

Our offers in bro­chu­res, cata­logs, web stores, pri­ce lists and other pro­duct descrip­ti­ons and docu­ments are always sub­ject to chan­ge until the order is con­firm­ed, even if not spe­ci­fi­cal­ly agreed. 

3. orders and order confirmation 

Orders shall only be dee­med accept­ed by us when they have been con­firm­ed by us in wri­ting, by e‑mail or by other elec­tro­nic means in the e‑commerce pro­cess. If the deli­very is made imme­dia­te­ly wit­hout our express con­fir­ma­ti­on, the deli­very shall be dee­med to be our order con­fir­ma­ti­on at the same time. 

4. pri­ces 

Our pri­ces are sub­ject to chan­ge and are valid from the place of dis­patch (fac­to­ry or our regi­stered office) exclu­ding value added tax, pack­a­ging, post­age, freight, other ship­ping char­ges, insu­rance, cus­toms and assem­bly. The increa­se in the pri­ce cal­cu­la­ti­on occur­ring bet­ween the con­clu­si­on of the purcha­se con­tract and the deli­very due to the increa­se of the under­ly­ing wages, raw mate­ri­al pri­ces, freight, taxes, cus­toms duties, levies or other char­ges or the ent­ry into force of new such char­ges shall entit­le us to an appro­pria­te pri­ce increa­se to the ext­ent per­mit­ted by law. 

5. deli­very 

The deli­very time is agreed with our order con­fir­ma­ti­on. The deli­very time shall be dee­med to have been met with the time­ly noti­fi­ca­ti­on of rea­di­ness for ship­ment. Par­ti­al deli­veries may not be rejec­ted by the buy­er. Over- and under-deli­veries of up to 10 per­cent of the orde­red goods are per­mis­si­ble. An obli­ga­ti­on to com­ply with the agreed deli­very peri­ods can only be assu­med under the con­di­ti­on of an undistur­bed manu­fac­tu­ring process. 

The con­se­quen­ces of force majeu­re, ope­ra­tio­nal dis­rup­ti­ons, strikes, lock­outs, offi­ci­al mea­su­res, pan­de­mics, shorta­ges of raw and auxi­lia­ry mate­ri­als at the time of manu­fac­tu­re and other unfo­re­seen cir­cum­stances affec­ting us and our sup­pliers entit­le us to can­cel the deli­very obli­ga­ti­ons in who­le or in part. Fail­ure to meet deli­very dead­lines con­firm­ed by us shall not entit­le the Buy­er to cla­im dama­ges or to can­cel the order. We are entit­led, but not obli­ga­ted, to make a sub­se­quent deli­very of the can­cel­led quan­ti­ty of goods. Claims for dama­ges due to non-per­for­mance or delay­ed per­for­mance are exclu­ded to the ext­ent per­mit­ted by law. 

Upon lea­ving the place of dis­patch (fac­to­ry or our regi­stered office) or upon noti­fi­ca­ti­on of rea­di­ness for dis­patch (i.e. upon the first event occur­ring), the risk in the goods shall pass to the Buy­er. In the absence of spe­cial ins­truc­tions, the choice of the trans­port rou­te and the means of trans­port shall be made at our best dis­creti­on wit­hout any lia­bi­li­ty for the che­a­pest and fastest ship­ment. Ship­ment is always at the risk of the buy­er – even in the case of car­ria­ge paid deli­very and in the case of reten­ti­on of tit­le. If it is agreed that we orga­ni­ze the deli­very, our lia­bi­li­ty for any auxi­lia­ry per­sons is exclu­ded. Unless other­wi­se agreed, pack­a­ging shall be at our dis­creti­on. It will be char­ged at the valid pri­ces. We will arran­ge trans­port insu­rance only upon express writ­ten request of the buyer. 

6. com­plaints 

After rece­ipt of the goods, the buy­er is obli­ged to inspect them imme­dia­te­ly with regard to qua­li­ty and dama­ge or to have them inspec­ted and to noti­fy us in wri­ting of any defects wit­hout delay, but no later than five days after rece­ipt of the goods at the place of deli­very. Defects that can­not be dis­co­ver­ed within this peri­od even after careful inspec­tion must be repor­ted to us in wri­ting imme­dia­te­ly, at the latest three days after dis­co­very. Com­plaints clai­ming that the agreed quan­ti­ty (num­ber of pie­ces or weight) has not been deli­ver­ed must be brought to our atten­ti­on in wri­ting within two working days of rece­ipt of the goods. Other­wi­se, the agreed quan­ti­ty shall be dee­med to have been deli­ver­ed. Defects not noti­fi­ed within the­se dead­lines are forfeited. 

7. lia­bi­li­ty for defects 

We gua­ran­tee that our pro­ducts are free of manu­fac­tu­ring and mate­ri­al defects at the time of trans­fer of risk. The limi­ta­ti­on peri­od for the purchaser’s claims in the event of defects is 12 months. It beg­ins with the delivery. 

We shall only be lia­ble for defects in the goods to the fol­lo­wing ext­ent: Our lia­bi­li­ty for defects shall be limi­t­ed to the obli­ga­ti­on to replace the defec­ti­ve parts, inso­far as this is pos­si­ble, with sui­ta­ble parts free of char­ge. The defec­ti­ve parts shall be retur­ned to us upon our request; they shall beco­me our pro­per­ty inso­far as they are repla­ced by sui­ta­ble parts. Com­pen­sa­ti­on for dama­ges of any kind due to defec­ti­ve deli­very, in par­ti­cu­lar also com­pen­sa­ti­on for lost pro­fit, con­se­quen­ti­al dama­ges, rights of reduc­tion, can­cel­la­ti­on, rescis­si­on or rescis­si­on are exclu­ded to the ext­ent per­mit­ted by law. This shall not app­ly in the event of frau­du­lent con­ce­al­ment of the defect. 

For pro­ducts sup­plied by third par­ties, we shall only assu­me tho­se obli­ga­ti­ons which our sup­pliers have ente­red into them­sel­ves. The return of defec­ti­ve goods requi­res our pri­or con­sent and must be car­ria­ge paid. The reme­dy of defects by the buy­er may only be car­ri­ed out with our con­sent. In the event that the buy­er or a third par­ty reme­dies defects wit­hout our con­sent, we shall not be lia­ble for any con­se­quen­ces ari­sing the­r­e­f­rom. Exclu­ded from the lia­bi­li­ty is the com­pen­sa­ti­on of all direct and indi­rect fur­ther dama­ges. No lia­bi­li­ty shall be assu­med for deli­very parts which, due to their mate­ri­al pro­per­ties, are sub­ject to pre­ma­tu­re con­sump­ti­on depen­ding on their type of use. 

8. pro­duct use 

The appli­ca­ti­on, use and pro­ces­sing of the goods sup­plied by us is exclu­si­ve­ly the respon­si­bi­li­ty of the purcha­ser. The pro­duct descrip­ti­on shall only be con­side­red as non-bin­ding infor­ma­ti­on with regard to pos­si­ble pro­per­ty rights of third par­ties and does not release the buy­er from his own exami­na­ti­on of the pro­ducts with regard to their sui­ta­bi­li­ty for the inten­ded pro­ces­ses and pur­po­ses. In par­ti­cu­lar, it does not con­tain any assu­ran­ces of properties. 

9. reten­ti­on of title 

Owner­ship of the goods shall not pass to the purcha­ser until he has sett­led all his lia­bi­li­ties ari­sing from the busi­ness rela­ti­on­ship exi­sting with us. The buy­er her­eby decla­res his con­sent to the regi­stra­ti­on of the reten­ti­on of tit­le in the rele­vant regi­ster at his place of resi­dence / domic­i­le. If the asser­ti­on of the reser­va­ti­on of tit­le beco­mes neces­sa­ry, we reser­ve the right to char­ge the buy­er for the costs of the regi­stra­ti­on of the reser­va­ti­on of title. 

If the deli­ver­ed goods or parts the­reof are instal­led in ano­ther object, the reten­ti­on of tit­le shall not expi­re; rather, co-owner­ship shall be dee­med to have been agreed in accordance with the value rati­os of the new object. 

The buy­er is entit­led to pro­cess or sell the goods deli­ver­ed under reten­ti­on of tit­le in the ordi­na­ry cour­se of busi­ness. Howe­ver, he may not pledge the goods or assign them as secu­ri­ty. In the event of resa­le or fur­ther pro­ces­sing, the purcha­ser her­eby assigns to us by way of secu­ri­ty all claims ari­sing from the resa­le tog­e­ther with all ancil­la­ry rights against the third-par­ty debtor up to the amount of the invoice with the aut­ho­ri­ty to coll­ect the cla­im on a pro rata basis. 

Inso­far as the purcha­ser coll­ects the assi­gned cla­im its­elf, this shall only be done on a fidu­cia­ry basis. The pro­ce­eds coll­ec­ted on our behalf shall be deli­ver­ed to us imme­dia­te­ly. At our request, the purcha­ser shall be obli­ged to noti­fy the secon­da­ry purcha­ser of the assign­ment and to pro­vi­de the infor­ma­ti­on requi­red for the asser­ti­on of our rights against the secon­da­ry purcha­ser. The buy­er must inform us imme­dia­te­ly of any sei­zu­re or any impair­ment of our rights by third parties. 

In the event that the secon­da­ry purcha­ser does not pay cash imme­dia­te­ly, the purcha­ser shall reser­ve exten­ded owner­ship to us. 

10. payment 

Payments are to be made net 30 days from the date of the invoice, wit­hout any deduc­tion or else as agreed in the order. Howe­ver, we reser­ve the right to demand advan­ce payment if the buy­er is in default of payment to us with other claims or if we beco­me awa­re of the uncer­tain­ty of his finan­cial situa­ti­on other­wi­se, e.g. through bank­rupt­cy fil­ing, other events pur­su­ant to Art. 83 OR, judi­cial or ext­ra­ju­di­cial sett­le­ment appli­ca­ti­on, exi­sting debt coll­ec­tion or default of a gua­ran­tor. In this case we are also entit­led to with­draw from the purcha­se contract. 

Inco­ming payments, inso­far as seve­ral claims are out­stan­ding, shall in prin­ci­ple be cre­di­ted to the oldest cla­im, irre­spec­ti­ve of the infor­ma­ti­on pro­vi­ded by the purcha­ser. After expiry of the payment peri­od, default shall occur wit­hout pri­or remin­der and the buy­er shall owe us default inte­rest in the amount of 5% of the rele­vant net amount wit­hout remin­der. The buy­er is not entit­led to with­hold payments due to any coun­ter­claims or to set them off against such counterclaims. 

11. Addi­tio­nal costs

K‑Tech GmbH reser­ves the right to char­ge addi­tio­nal costs, if during the exe­cu­ti­on of an order addi­tio­nal work expen­ses ari­se, which were not expli­ci­t­ly descri­bed in the scope of ser­vices. This could be expen­ses of any kind, such as dif­fi­cult working con­di­ti­ons that do not cor­re­spond to the usu­al expec­ted stan­dard, addi­tio­nal requests devia­ting from the scope of ser­vices, etc.. If the cus­to­mer of K‑Tech GmbH on such points is poin­ted out, must be taken up with the appro­pria­te K‑Tech GmbH pro­ject mana­ger imme­dia­te­ly cont­act to the cla­ri­fi­ca­ti­on of the cir­cum­stances. If this does not take place, K‑Tech GmbH assu­mes that the resul­ting addi­tio­nal expen­dit­u­re is con­side­red as accepted.

12. dra­wings; secrecy 

Dra­wings, docu­ments and drafts which the purcha­ser recei­ves from us may not be dis­c­lo­sed by the purcha­ser to third par­ties. Inf­rin­ge­ments shall result in full com­pen­sa­ti­on for dama­ges. Fur­ther­mo­re, the buy­er is obli­ged to return such dra­wings, docu­ments and drafts to us upon our request if an order is not placed. 

13. E‑Commerce 

If the Buy­er purcha­ses goods or ser­vices from us via a web­site or other e‑commerce pro­cess, the fol­lo­wing pro­vi­si­on shall app­ly in addition: 

The buy­er is respon­si­ble for the secu­ri­ty of his pass­word and ack­now­led­ges that purcha­ses made using his pass­word are bin­ding for him. After suc­cessful regi­stra­ti­on, an order can be pla­ced. By ente­ring the per­so­nal data and clicking the but­ton “Send order” in the final step of the orde­ring pro­cess, the bin­ding order of the goods con­tai­ned in the shop­ping cart is made. The con­fir­ma­ti­on of rece­ipt of the order fol­lows imme­dia­te­ly after sen­ding the order. The purcha­se con­tract is only con­clu­ded with our order con­fir­ma­ti­on (see sec­tion 3). 

We have made all rea­sonable tech­ni­cal efforts to ensu­re that all web­sites and access points are secu­re; howe­ver, we dis­cla­im any lia­bi­li­ty in the event of misu­se of infor­ma­ti­on trans­mit­ted on or from our web­sites and/or access points by out­si­ders who are not our employees. 

14. data protection 

The buy­er express­ly agrees that we may pro­cess his data coll­ec­ted in the cour­se of the busi­ness rela­ti­on­ship, inclu­ding per­so­nal data, for the pur­po­se of order pro­ces­sing, con­tract manage­ment, pro­ces­sing of war­ran­ty cases, sup­port and advice, as well as for sta­tis­ti­cal eva­lua­tions and to ful­fill legal obli­ga­ti­ons. We will pro­cess the data only as long as it is neces­sa­ry to ful­fill the pur­po­se of use. After the pur­po­se of use has cea­sed, we will dele­te the data com­ple­te­ly, unless a lon­ger reten­ti­on peri­od is requi­red or per­mit­ted by law. 

The buy­er also express­ly agrees that we are entit­led to dis­c­lo­se his data to other group com­pa­nies and/or to com­mis­sio­ned data pro­ces­sors in Ger­ma­ny and abroad. 

We pro­cess the buyer’s data based on Art. 4 and 6 of the Swiss Data Pro­tec­tion Act. The buy­er is entit­led at any time to recei­ve infor­ma­ti­on free of char­ge about his pro­ces­sed per­so­nal data and to cor­rect it if neces­sa­ry, to rest­rict or pro­hi­bit the fur­ther use of this per­so­nal data or to revo­ke the con­sent to fur­ther data pro­ces­sing, to object to fur­ther pro­ces­sing and to have the per­so­nal data dele­ted. In any case, the legal obli­ga­ti­on to retain data and the man­da­to­ry pro­ces­sing of per­so­nal data for the ful­fill­ment of a con­tract remain reserved. 

Regar­ding the data pro­ces­sing, the buy­er can cont­act us at the fol­lo­wing e‑mail address: it@k‑ 

15 Appli­ca­ble law and place of jurisdiction 

The­se GTC as well as all other agree­ments bet­ween us and the Buy­er con­cer­ning the sale or deli­very of goods shall be gover­ned by Swiss sub­stan­ti­ve law to the exclu­si­on of the Vien­na Con­ven­ti­on on Con­tracts for the Inter­na­tio­nal Sale of Goods and the appli­ca­ble con­flict of laws rules. 

The place of juris­dic­tion for all dis­pu­tes in con­nec­tion with the sale or deli­very of the goods is our regi­stered office, curr­ent­ly in Bal­ters­wil, Switz­er­land. Howe­ver, we reser­ve the right to bring an action befo­re the court at the buyer’s regi­stered office or place of residence. 


Bal­ters­wil, 07.08.2023


K‑Tech GmbH
Werk­stras­se 1
CH-8362 Bal­ters­wil

Tele­fon: +41 71 393 16 65

E‑Mail: info@k‑