
Cons­truc­tion of plants, machi­nes and buildings

You have spe­cial requi­re­ments? We will find a solution!

Desig­ning plants, machi­nes and buil­dings using Inven­tor 3D CAD system not only pro­vi­des a new view of the objects: It also crea­tes com­ple­te­ly new pos­si­bi­li­ties for the are­as of manu­fac­tu­ring, main­ten­an­ce, repair and documentation. 

The eva­lua­ti­on and decis­i­on on the appro­pria­te approach to plan­ning, expan­si­on or repair of objects is easier and can be made with confidence. 

The com­pa­ny K‑Tech offers turn­key or par­ti­al solu­ti­ons in 2D (Auto­cad) and 3D (Inven­tor).

We can read in all com­mon file for­mats, pro­cess them and send them back for fur­ther pro­ces­sing in other systems. 

You have a 3D dra­wing and need a 2D or vice ver­sa? We can do it for you.


K‑Tech GmbH also deve­lo­ps com­ple­te­ly new equip­ment, parts or access­ories adapt­ed to the needs of the customer.

Emulsionsanlage 400l
Emul­si­on plant 400l 
Chemikalien Abfüllanlage: Lauge/Säure/Wasserstoffperoxid/Entkalker
Che­micals Fil­ling system: Lye/acid/hydrogen peroxide/decalcifier
300 Liter Tankanlage
300 liters tank system