Pipe­line construction

Pipe­line cons­truc­tion for the food, phar­maceu­ti­cal and che­mical industries

Piping for all media in any dimension.

Wir fer­ti­gen Rohr­lei­tun­gen für sämt­li­che Anfor­de­run­gen im  Lebens­mit­tel-Phar­ma und Geträn­ke­indu­strie Bereich. Dabei erfüllt die K‑Tech höch­ste Anfor­de­run­gen an die Schweiss­qua­li­tät.  Dafür wen­den wir sämt­li­che bekann­ten Schweiss­ver­fah­ren, von WIG/TIG bis hin zu Orbi­tal­schweis­sen, an.

Docu­men­ting the wel­ding seams accor­ding to an iso­me­try, as well as Ferit mea­su­re­ments are stan­dard for us. Our inter­nal wel­ding super­vi­sor (IWS= Inter­na­tio­nal Wel­ding Spe­cia­list) with a fede­ral cer­ti­fi­ca­te of pro­fi­ci­en­cy ensu­res con­si­stent qua­li­ty tail­o­red to the customer. 

Pipe­work cons­truc­tion can be indi­vi­du­al­ly adapt­ed to the cus­to­mer. From 3D pipe plan­ning to pre­fa­b­ri­ca­ti­on and then to assem­bly and com­mis­sio­ning, with us ever­ything is under one roof. Sin­ce we are con­stant­ly adap­ting our inter­nal pro­ces­ses to the mar­ket, you as a cus­to­mer can rely on the latest tech­no­lo­gies through K‑Tech GmbH. 

If you are loo­king for a pipe­line buil­der who can imple­ment your wis­hes on time and at fair con­di­ti­ons, you have the right part­ner at your side with K‑Tech GmbH.


We like to find solu­ti­ons that are opti­mi­sed for the cus­to­mer in terms of pri­ce and per­for­mance. At the same time, we always keep an eye on cer­ti­fi­ca­ti­ons and safe­ty. We know the dif­fe­rent loads that pipe­work has to with­stand and cal­cu­la­te each pipe based on the customer’s spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­ons. All wel­ding work is cer­ti­fi­ed in accordance with stan­dard regu­la­ti­ons, and our wel­ders also have a valid cer­ti­fi­ca­te aut­ho­ri­sing them to car­ry out wel­ding work.