About us

Solu­ti­ons for the food, phar­maceu­ti­cal and che­mical industries

With an in-depth under­stan­ding of the spe­ci­fic manu­fac­tu­ring pro­ces­ses in the phar­maceu­ti­cal, food and che­mical indu­stries, we plan, design and build the units accor­ding to cus­to­mer spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­ons. 

As a pro­fes­sio­nal manu­fac­tu­rer of indu­stri­al equip­ment, we meet the more strin­gent requi­re­ments of phar­maceu­ti­cal, food  and che­mical indu­stry. Our plants meet the high spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­ons for qua­li­ty and vali­da­ti­on, ensu­re high pro­duct safe­ty and enable the pro­duc­tion of small batch sizes. 

The main acti­vi­ties of our com­pa­ny are

Crea­te sche­ma­tic dia­grams of pro­duc­tion equip­ment or their indi­vi­du­al parts.

Cus­to­mer-ori­en­ted solu­ti­ons in plant engi­nee­ring, spe­cia­li­zing in food, phar­maceu­ti­cal and che­mical pro­duc­tion plants.

Repairs and impro­ve­ments to the sus­taina­bi­li­ty of pro­duc­tion facilities.

Sus­tainable revi­si­ons of exi­sting plants, taking into account all stan­dards and protocols.

The phi­lo­so­phy of our company

Peo­p­le are at the cen­ter of our acti­vi­ties. We con­sider it our task to ful­fill the needs of our customers.

A fri­end­ly, respectful, calm and cour­teous approach to the cus­to­mer is our top priority. 

While respec­ting human digni­ty and indi­vi­dua­li­ty and irre­spec­ti­ve of the customer’s social sta­tus, our com­pa­ny stri­ves to pro­vi­de the cus­to­mer with the best pos­si­ble advice and sup­p­ly of the requi­red pro­ducts. To achie­ve this, we rely on reco­gni­zed and well-foun­ded offers and ser­vices, in the hand­ling of which we have acqui­red a spe­cial qua­li­fi­ca­ti­on through qua­li­fi­ca­ti­on measures. 

Employees repre­sent our com­pa­ny posi­tively in public through their per­so­nal appear­ance and beha­vi­or towards cus­to­mers and other contacts.

We work cost-con­scious­ly and suc­cess-ori­en­ted. We use a wide ran­ge of modern equip­ment. Relia­bi­li­ty and full com­pli­ance with legal regu­la­ti­ons, occu­pa­tio­nal safe­ty and envi­ron­men­tal­ly fri­end­ly work are part of our working principles.

On the basis of secu­red sci­en­ti­fic know­ledge, we gua­ran­tee, through the use of modern tech­no­lo­gy and con­ti­nuous trai­ning, a holi­stic ful­fill­ment of cus­to­mer requi­re­ments. An important goal of our com­pa­ny is the per­ma­nent impro­ve­ment of our ser­vices through the use of qua­li­ty manage­ment and con­ti­nuous trai­ning and edu­ca­ti­on. We actively con­tri­bu­te our com­pe­tence and exper­ti­se to our cus­to­mers by pro­vi­ding advice and information.

We work cons­truc­tively with our part­ners and adapt fle­xi­bly to social requi­re­ments. We work inde­pendent­ly in the team in the respec­ti­ve are­as of work and respon­si­bi­li­ty. Trans­pa­ren­cy, col­le­gia­li­ty, open­ness and huma­ni­ty are manage­ment prin­ci­ples. Each of our employees con­tri­bu­tes with his or her work an important part to the over­all result of our com­pa­ny. We cul­ti­va­te an inter­nal cus­to­mer phi­lo­so­phy, which means that ever­yo­ne also regards each col­le­ague intern­al­ly as a cus­to­mer. Only this approach makes a posi­ti­ve exter­nal cus­to­mer ori­en­ta­ti­on ful­ly pos­si­ble – the inter­nal has an exter­nal effect.

Our goals are satis­fied cus­to­mers and employees, social reco­gni­ti­on and our own suc­cess on the basis of ser­ving socie­ty in a posi­ti­ve sense.

Your Kevin Schöb

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Bis­he­ri­ge Bewer­tung des Unternehmens

Sin­ce 2012, we have suc­cessful­ly ser­viced over


K‑Tech GmbH is repre­sen­ted internationally

In addi­ti­on to its head­quar­ters in Switz­er­land, K‑Tech GmbH has four agen­ci­es in the most important mar­kets. This enables K‑Tech GmbH to gua­ran­tee ser­vices of the hig­hest qua­li­ty worldwide.